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Tips on Finding the Perfect Face Painter for Your Events

Updated: Sep 23, 2018

Follow these steps and tips to find a suitable face painter for your events in Hong Kong:

1. Layout purpose and details of your event - Is it a kids party or adult event? - Is there any theme? - How many faces are you expecting to be painted? - Location and timing of the event. - Are you looking for a native English speaking face painter, Cantonese speaker or someone who can do both?  - Are you looking for someone who is entertaining as well?

2. Search on Google - Read about the face painting artists, their biography and take a look at their portfolios. - If they have won awards, the details of awards should be listed on their biography. - Are the designs painted by multiple artists, if so, who painted the designs you like and whether you will get the same quality if you go ahead with the booking.

3. Lookup their social media pages - When was the page last updated? 

- Read about the audience's engagements, including comments and reviews.  - Quality of work on images and videos. How do the face designs look on photos taken during a booking? Are you struggling to find any good images on face other than arms? - Is there any photos in action? Does the face painter look cheerful? Are they dressed for the occasion?

What next?

4. Request for a quotation - Make sure to include the list of event details you have prepared earlier.

- Prices vary with different painters based on their experience and the quality of materials used. A professional face painter should revert with details of what is covered in the quotation. - How many children can the painter paint per hour? An experienced painter can normally paint bigger number of children per hour without compromising the quality of work produced.

- Different painters offer different packages and some offer only one, none is better than one another it all depends on personal preferences. 

A Little Note on Price Range...

Based on my experience in recent years in Hong Kong the standard rates range from HKD1800 to HKD2200 for 2 hours. Having a lower quote might mean the painter is less experienced, or that the product used have lower quality hence cheaper quotations. Another tip is that more 'reasonable' rates might be meaning compromising the quality of work, materials and hygiene standards.


"Sizes, variety of accessories and number of brushes in a face painter's kit reflect the quality of a face painter" - It is not necessarily true. A great painter can paint with a small kit and limited number of brushes and blings. Size of the kit does not matter as long as they are able to produce quality work. Size of a kit can vary depending on the number and and nature of bookings on the day.

"The longer the face painter has been in the industry, the better the quality" - Not true. A face painter can be in the business for 10 years and paints in one party per month, whilst another face painter who has been in the business for 3 years might be painting 20 parties a month. The number of hours and faces painted should give a more accurate display of skills level of a painter.

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