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Good , Bad and the Glory - How My Face Painting Journey Began

Updated: May 9, 2018

Just a brief introduction

It has been five years since I started face painting. I guess it's never too late to start blogging about your passions, so expect to find a lot on face painting and art here, but also some parenting and housework tips too.

Having been raised in the heart of Hong Kong during the 80s, I had not got my face painted as a child, nor met any face painter at parties, so never thought I would eventually make a living as a professional face painter.

Believe it or not, a knee injury started it all!

Five years ago, while working as an entertainer at a children's party, an unexpected knee injury cost me my ability to stand for long periods of time, so I got assigned the less "physically demanding" task of painting the kids' faces at one of those later parties, (as I didn't have to be on my feet), thus discovering face painting was perfect for me: I could paint, entertain and sit all at once!

What happened since then?

I have researched, bought my very first Diamond FX mini face paint palette, Mehron Paradise Black and White, practiced hard, experimented, competed, become a mum and now I enjoy every second of what I do!

Why join competitions?

I enjoy the process of challenging myself, staying up all night to paint and practice so I can get better at my work, and explore new things.

What matters the most...

When you are doing what you love, you don't feel tired even staying up all night working.

It has been a splendid journey so far and I have met incredible artists along the way, so feeling really excited to see what the future has got to offer.

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